by SITM | Oct 18, 2021 | Andrew Baraniak, General Newsletter
Worth Another Go? It’s happened to us all. The market reaches a strong price cluster. We enter. We get stopped out by a few points the next day. All only to watch the market turn around again and run away without us on board. And it can be one of the most frustrating...
by SITM | Oct 18, 2021 | General Newsletter, Rob Steer
Ready for Take Off One of the many powerful tools I’ve used when it comes to setups is WD Gann’s 50% retracement rule. Gann said: “After an initial, sustained price move, either up or down, prices retrace to 50% (4/8) of their initial move. If the retracement exceeds...
by SITM | Sep 17, 2021 | Aaron Lynch, General Newsletter
The September Effect? Welcome to this month’s edition of the Safety in the Market newsletter. Many may feel like the Phil Connors character from Groundhog Day as played by Bill Murray. I can attest that setting and maintaining good routines has been challenging as we...
by SITM | Sep 17, 2021 | Andrew Baraniak, General Newsletter
Sugar with That? If you think about your last trip to the café, and what you brought there, it could have easily been something from one of the last few monthly SITM articles. Did you buy a coffee? Did you buy something with wheat in it? Was there sugar in either or...
by SITM | Aug 18, 2021 | General Newsletter
August 2021Hello and welcome to the August edition of the Safety in the Market Monthly Newsletter.This month I want to talk about the importance of patience in our trading. I’ll use the example of a short trade I took on the Australian Dollar (FXADUS in ProfitSource)...