


A Retrospective Look at the Nikkei 225 Double Top from 2018

David Bowden, the Founder of Safety in the Market often tells us in his training that ‘Hindsight becomes your Foresight’ so today we take a retrospective look at the 2018 Nikkei 225 Double Tops with Mat Barnes, who breaks down the mechanics of this chart pattern in great detail.

Taking a retrospective look at markets is not just about understanding where the market has been; it’s about foreseeing where it might go. History offers a lens through which traders can interpret signals, refine strategies and stay ahead of the curve.

A Double Top pattern is very recognisable on a chart, particularly when you are learning to trade, and for the trader who’s ahead of the game, it can be a very profitable chart pattern to ultimately trade.

Let history be your ally in trading! Watch this in depth breakdown of the mechanics of a Double Top trade today.

Would you like to learn how to forecast, and more importantly, profit from easily recognisable chart patterns like Double Tops or Bottoms? This is something we teach a lot more in our Active Trader Program. Find out more here.