
It’s reported that Aussies spend, on average, over 2 hours per day on social media – as at the beginning of 2023. 

It’s also reported that the average Aussie spends almost 4 hours a day watching TV. (See ‘We Are Socials 2023 Digital Report’

That’s a staggering 6 hours per day combined – or over 40 hours per week.

2,000 hours per year. GONE.

Pretty scary stuff, isn’t it?

Maybe social media or TV isn’t your problem but maybe you’re losing a few hours here and there because of a lack of CLARITY, and no PLAN. 

Maybe you’re just winding your way through life without any real DIRECTION. 

Those hours add up. 

As David Bowden, the Founder of Safety in the Market, says in one of our training manuals, “Trading stocks and commodities is probably one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life. First you must master yourself.”

We can’t help you find your direction in life – that’s not our area of expertise – BUT if you decide you want to trade the markets with success, we can help!

There’s no denying though that learning a new skill like trading the markets is going to take some considerable time and commitment from you. 

But it is so worth it!

So how are you going to find the spare time?

Some of our students have benefited from doing a ‘Time Audit’ even just for a week, where they track the way they spend their time. Many are surprised by how much time they actually do spend frivolously. They can then make more intentional choices with the time they do have to inch them closer to their goals. 

This exercise alone can be pretty powerful. For one of our students, they decided to give up their ‘Playstation,’ Another decided to give up alcohol as having even just one drink the night before saw them not at their best the next morning, which is the only time they had available to study.

Making these hard decisions helped them edge closer to their goals of becoming full-time traders.

Of course, making these choices are individual to you and it is none of our business – but a question that might help you when doing this exercise is ‘Is this moving me closer to, or further away from, my goals?’

If it’s moving you further away, is there a way you can do less of it, or scrap it all together? Lots to think about. 

Others students have found benefit in actually chunking and scheduling their study time into their diary, in the same way you would an appointment with your doctor or dentist. You would keep the appointment with them – so why would you not keep the appointment with yourself? Aren’t you just as important! 

Time is a limited resource. We all only have 24 hours in a day. How are you going to choose to invest your time today?

If you choose to invest your time towards learning how to trade the markets, then we can show you the way. We’ve worked with thousands of students since we started in 1989. 

The Active Trader Program is where all of our students start – no matter how much trading experience they’ve had, so they can build their trading on strong foundations, and often eliminate a lot of the bad habits they’ve already adopted. 

If you’re new to trading or want to up level your trading skills – and your profits, then our Active Trader Program is perfect for you!

And for a limited time, we’re also offering 3 months FREE Active Trader Program Group Coaching when you purchase the course.

Want to learn more? Here’s all the details along with a demo of what to expect.