
Cycles in Crude Oil

Cycles in Crude Oil   Hello and welcome to the Platinum newsletter for August 2021. For those that are still in lockdown around the country and around the globe, I send my regards as it is certainly starting to grate on most people’s day-to-day lives. That being said,...

It’s Complicated!

It’s Complicated!   Markets can run to the rules like a textbook and other times they can leave us scratching our heads. In these uncharted times of COVID and the global reaction, we might expect the historical norms of what markets should do to hold true or we...

Plan to Succeed

Plan to Succeed   It’s hard not to get excited when a plan comes together.  Markets have been such an integral part of my life many would think it would become a matter of fact when a market proves the rules. Yet, I still get excited when my analysis (more so actual...