
Normal Transmission

Normal Transmission?   After a very lacklustre 2020 in the Oil market (read sideways market) we have now seen the price action come to life. A decade ago, Oil was the market that dominated the news cycle and all the polarising views that it generates. Peak Oil,...

Right On Time

Right On Time   Welcome to the Platinum discussions for 2021, I hope you enjoyed the festive and New Year’s period, as we collectively enter the new year with hopes for a brighter and better year than the last. I am sure by now you have undertaken a review of last...

Setting Up Your Next Quarter

Setting Up Your Next Quarter   As we begin to wind down and draw to a close the calendar year 2020, there are no doubt many of us, (especially me) who will be using the holiday period to reflect, renew and reset for 2021. We are spoilt in the southern hemisphere in...