by SITM | Aug 13, 2020 | General Newsletter, Rob Steer
Flying Solo David Bowden and W.D. Gann both emphasised the power of following the trend. Amongst all the jargon being fed to the public by the media, Gann specifically said in the Stock Market Course to: “Remember that stocks are never too high to buy as long as the...
by SITM | Aug 13, 2020 | General Newsletter, Trading Tutors
ProfitSource – Which Chart? This month’s article takes the Cocoa futures market and helps us determine which ProfitSource chart to use for analysis, and which chart to use for trading. It can act as an example for chart selection in other markets.For analysis,...
by SITM | Jun 19, 2020 | General Newsletter, Rob Steer
And We’re Back Again… Continuing on from last month’s article “What Goes Up, Must Come Down” – May 2020, as you can see the market has somehow broken its All-Time High of $968.99 when the world economy seems to be broken.Reviewing the bigger picture...
by SITM | Jun 19, 2020 | Aaron Lynch, General Newsletter
Market Are Not Rational! Volatility has returned to the markets, with equities getting spooked about a possible second wave of COVID-19 and all that would entail. There is much conjecture and opinion combined with what can be argued as a disconnect from fundamentals....
by SITM | Jun 19, 2020 | General Newsletter, Trading Tutors
ProfitSource – The Wall Chart Wizard This month’s article gives an example of how to use the Wall Chart Wizard in ProfitSource to produce your own chart. I’ll get stuck into it straight away….Open the chart of your choice in ProfitSource. For this example, we’ll...