
Power Ranges

Power Ranges   I’m not referring to the American superhero franchise, although the power of ranges never ceases to amaze me. Ranges, combined with Gann’s Sections of the Market can be a powerful trading combination. Take for example the run up into the 21 September...

Supercharge Your Reward to Risk Ratio!

Supercharge Your Reward to Risk Ratio!   Welcome to the March edition of the Platinum Newsletter. I always look forward to the March seasonal date as there are often very good trading opportunities around this time and it’s also a change into one of my favourite times...

Know Your Numbers

Know Your Numbers   Welcome to the February edition of the Platinum Newsletter. It never seems to take long for sentiment to change, whether it’s bullishness that changes to bearishness or vice versa.If you listened to the news to base your trades off, you could...

Using Alerts in Your Trading

Using Alerts in Your Trading   Welcome to the January edition of the Platinum Newsletter. There’s definitely been a shift in momentum as some markets have put in strong moves in the first month of 2022. We’ve seen on a number of Indices a confirmed quarterly swing...