The Importance of Reframing

The Importance of Reframing

Reprinted from the Safety in the Market Spring 1994 Ticker Tape  Written by Dr Harry Stanton In my consultancy work with the business community, I am often called upon to work with people who have lost confidence in their ability to sell.  This is usually a result of...
Unlocking Trading Success

Unlocking Trading Success

Did you know that doubling $1,000 just ten times will give you nearly $1,000,000? Hard to believe, isn’t it? Do the sums, it’s true! Whether your goal is to make $1,000,000 a year, or $1,000,000 over your career as a trader, either way, the thought of making...
The Art of Keeping Track: Recording Your Trading Results

The Art of Keeping Track: Recording Your Trading Results

As David Bowden, the founder of Safety in the Market, says “Trading must be run as a business” and attributes his success in trading to the fact that he ran his trading like a business, not just a hobby. He says that many people get into trading because they are sick...
What’s Stealing Your Future?

What’s Stealing Your Future?

It’s reported that Aussies spend, on average, over 2 hours per day on social media – as at the beginning of 2023.  It’s also reported that the average Aussie spends almost 4 hours a day watching TV. (See ‘We Are Socials 2023 Digital Report’)  That’s a...
Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue

How many choices have you made today? It’s suggested that on average, a person makes an eye-watering 35,000 choices per day.  Assuming that most of us spend 8 hours a day sleeping away in decision-free bliss on cloud nine, that’s over 2,000 decisions per hour...
Cash or Cash Flow?

Cash or Cash Flow?

Which would you rather receive, a large lump sum of cash delivered into your bank account once a year, or a steady stream of much smaller amounts of money deposited into your account each month? Which would make the larger difference to your life? Many traders that I...