
Financial Services Guide

Issued April 2023

For: T&D Global Pty Ltd (ACN 104 283 972) trading as Safety in the Market under license

Address: PO Box 996 Paddington Qld 4064 AUSTRALIA

Telephone: 0402 496 750

Web: www.safetyinthemarket.com.au

AFS Licence No: 472387 as an authorised representative of Sequoia Wealth Management Pty Ltd


The purpose of providing this Financial Services Guide (FSG) is to provide you with information about T&D Global Pty Ltd ( “T&D Global”, “We”, “Us” or “Our”), the services we offer and how we charge for those services, how we disclose any potential conflicts of interest and how we manage client complaints. This information is provided to you to enable you to compare our services with similar providers and to make an informed decision on whether to use our services.

As part of our ongoing relationship we may provide you with other documents, namely a Product Disclosure Statement relating to ours or third party products or services.

These documents are to assist you in making informed choices about the services we offer or about third party services that you may choose to use in conjunction with our own.

Authorising Licence

T&D Global is the providing entity of services covered by this FSG. In providing the services, T&D Global is acting as an Authorised Representative of Sequoia Wealth Management AFSL Licence 472387 (ABN 22 002 314 310). The contact details for Sequoia Wealth Management are:

Address: Level 7, 1 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW, 2000


Ph: 02 8114 2288

Information Relating to Services Provided by T&D Global

Sequoia Wealth Management Pty Ltd’s AFS licence permits T&D Global to provide the following financial services:

Provide general financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:

    • Derivatives (CFD’s, options, warrants and futures)
    • Securities
    • Foreign exchange contracts


T&D Global is remunerated through the full amount paid for the products, services and any subscription amount that is payable. You will have been notified of whether a subscription amount applies to your product prior to purchase.

Other Remuneration

In addition, we receive remuneration from third party product providers whose products you may choose to use in conjunction with our services.

T&D Global staff and contractors receive payment for work performed and that may include bonuses or commissions based on performance criteria.

T&D Global may also receive remuneration or other benefits from third parties whose products you may choose to use in conjunction with our services.

Relationships or Associations

T&D Global is an independent company that trades as Safety in the Market under license from Safety in the Market (Seminars) Pty Ltd ACN 066 952 127

Instructions from you

We will always seek to act on your specific instructions in a timely and efficient way. You can provide instructions to us via our website, verbally and in writing (mail or email) however we reserve the right to request written instructions when we consider it necessary.

Privacy of Client Information

In providing our services we collect personal information about you, including sensitive information. Please note we treat all information provided to us in confidence and will take all reasonable steps to ensure non-disclosure to anyone other than for the purpose of fulfilling your instructions. We treat all client information in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 2009 QLD. Our Privacy Policy can be viewed on our website at www.safetyinthemarket.com.au.

Problems with our Service

If you ever have difficulty or are not satisfied with our services you are entitled to complain. We have procedures in place to ensure that complaints are fully considered and properly dealt with. If at the first point of contact your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact our Customer Service Manager.


Post: Customer Service Manager
T&D Global
PO Box 996 Paddington.  Qld.  4064
Email: compliance@safetyinthemarket.com.au


Please be aware that we will do everything within reason to address and resolve your concerns.

If you are not satisfied with the response received from us within 21 days, you are entitled to refer the matter to an independent complaint handling body.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

T&D Global has professional indemnity insurance in place, which complies with the requirements of S912B of the Corporations Act.

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