Frequently Asked Questions

More details on the Active Trader Program

I'm new to trading, will I be able to cope with the Active Trader Program?

Absolutely, we all have to start somewhere! Although the course is very detailed, it is written respecting that not everyone is at the same level. As a new trader, you will find both Chapter One and the Glossary in the Smarter Starter Pack particularly helpful while you are familiarising yourself with the jargon used in the trading markets. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll learn the terms as you work through the course. And remember, as you work through the course, our team are here to help you every step of the way.

I've been trading for years, is this too basic for me?

If you’re already able to predict market turning points to within a few ticks and you are consistently taking trades with a 10 to 1 Reward to Risk Ratio or better, then yes, this course may seem a bit basic for you. However, we find that our clients come from all walks of life and with varying experience as traders and even experienced traders find value in the program.  The Active Trader Program has been created as a complete Price Analysis training course, so we do cover the basics at the beginning to ensure everyone is working off the same foundation, but you’ll find we get into the ‘meat’ of the course very quickly, with plenty of examples for you to work through as you go.

What specifically do I get in the Active Trader Program?

The Active Trader Program is a fully online program made up of four key components which you will access through your secure Members Portal login via our website. Designed as a complete course teaching you the techniques required to analyse the markets using Price data, the Active Trader Program has been written in an easy to follow style, supported by video content.  The package comprises of:

The Smarter Starter Pack

Here we begin with the basics and ensure you’re building your knowledge from a solid foundation. You’ll learn about charting and swing chart construction, ABC Trading Theory and the importance of a Trading Plan. We’ll look at Money Management and how to minimise your risk and protect your capital, particularly important when you’re starting out. You’ll learn about entry and exit strategies and we’ll take you through a series of trading styles depending on the market you’re looking to trade. You’ll learn about Short Selling and we’ll introduce you to the Futures market and CFDs.

The Number One Trading Plan

Here we build on the lessons you’ve covered in the Smarter Starter Pack and prepare you for entry into the real markets with real money.  You’ll work through advanced lessons on Swing Charting, ABC Trading Techniques and learn how to uses Ranges and Pressure Points in your Price Forecasting analysis. The Number One Trading Plan lessons will help you fine tune your entry and exists and help you stay in your trade for longer.

The Active Trader Program Online Training 

You’ve learnt the theory, it’s now time to put it into action. Released in 2020, the Active Trader Program Online Training course (ATPOT) takes the lessons from David original courses, the Smarter Starter Pack and the Number One Trading Plan and tests your knowledge using a three step process that you’ll carry with you into your trading. Here we look at breaking the lessons you’ve learnt into three clear action steps. Follow the Trend, Find the Turning Points and Fill in Your Trading Plan which will be the process you’ll follow as you begin to take your own trades.

Active Trader Program Coaching

As part of the Active Trader Program, we include three months of coaching in a group format. Active Trader Program Coaching is a live webinar, run once a month, where you’ll see the lessons you’ve learnt in the Active Trader Program put into action in the current market. Supported by a mid-month pre-recorded Update Video, Active Trader Program Coaching is designed to help build your confidence as a trader and introduce you to new markets as you see our team work through a series of markets each month applying the techniques from the Active Trader Program.


For a limited time, when you purchase your Active Trader Program, we’ll also post you a hard copy version of the Smarter Starter Pack and Number One Trading Plan.

In this pack you’ll receive two hard covered manuals along with a series of DVDs containing the videos for each program, printed trading plans and charting paper for you to complete your initial lessons.

Stocks of the physical copies are limited as this course is now fully online, so if you’d like one of the last hard copies, you’ll need to act now to avoid disappointment.

What is included in the 3 Months of Active Trader Program Coaching?

Active Trader Program Coaching is made up of a 2-hour live tutorial once a month on a Tuesday evening (7pm Sydney time), a Mid-Month Recorded Update video and priority support through our Trading Tutors service.

During the live tutorial, one of our team will demonstrate the trading process taught in the Active Trader Program, taking students through as many examples as they can, following the process during the two hours. These are very interactive sessions and students are encouraged to ask questions and suggest markets to look at during the tutorial. To get the most out of these sessions, we strongly encourage you to complete the full course, Smarter Starter Pack, Number One Trading Plan and Active Trader Program Online Training course before joining coaching.

How long will it take to complete the program?

That all depends on how much time you are able to dedicate to your studies. We generally find our students dedicate between four to six hours each week in their initial study period. So within three to four months, you could expect to have comfortably worked thoroughly through the course. This of course depends on your previous exposure to the markets and what type of trader or investor you are. The more time you spend in the early days working through the material and doing the exercises in the course, the quicker you will reach your goals.

Getting Started

How do I access the course material?

When you place your order for the Active Trader Program, you’ll receive a login and password to our Members Only Section of our website. Here’s you’ll be able to access your new program, along with past newsletters and additional resources to get you up and trading faster.

Plus, for a limited time:

When you purchase your Active Trader Program, we’ll also post you a hard copy version of the Smarter Starter Pack and Number One Trading Plan. But only while stocks last!

How do I create the charts I'll be using?

When David Bowden first started trading he drew all of his charts by hand. Thankfully, things have progressed since then, and there are now plenty of charting packages on the market today. We use and recommend a program called ProfitSource, created by the team at Hubb. David worked with Hubb to customise a version of ProfitSource for Safety in the Market students that contains his tools. We refer to this as ProfitSource with the SITM Module. As this program contains proprietary tools, it is only available through us and can only be sold to students of Safety in in the Market. Contact the team to find out more.

Another popular program used by our students is TradingView. It offers a good selection of tools that you will use when you’re just starting out. Through the following link you can recieve a small discount off a paid subscription or take advantage of their free version. TradingView Software.

How much money do I need to trade?

You can get started trading with as little as $100, however we don’t recommend that. We’d suggest you start out with at least $2,000 and preferably $5,000 in your trading account when you begin. The following video goes into this topic in more detail.

What if I have any questions as I work through the course, how do I get help?

As you work your way through the Active Trader Program, like most, you’ll probably have a few questions as you find your feet. Because we’ve been teaching traders since 1989, the team have fielded more questions than we care to count! During this time we’ve always been committed to ensuring that each student is given the time and respect they deserve. As part of your journey with us, you’ll have access to our team of Trading Tutors who are here to make sure you understand the techniques and how to apply them to the markets of your choice.

Our Trading Tutors are all active traders who can assist you as you progress with your studies. You’ll be able to email them via a dedicated email address to ask questions and get support. We find email is THE best way to support you, as it allows you, the student, to clearly articulate your questions, attaching charts to the email if necessary. Our team will them be able to reply with a written response you can refer back to as often as needed. No taking notes over the phone or trying to picture what they are discussing with you. It’s all there in writing for you.

Please remember their role is to guide you and help you as you work through the course, we are not advisors and cannot give you trading advice. Just lots of encouragement and support as you work through your studies.

More Questions?

Who is Safety in the Market?

Established in 1989, Safety in the Market is one of Australia’s leading market educators, training students across the globe how to trade and invest in the markets using technical analysis. We teach a methodical approach to trading that provides clear parameters to ensure you are making better decisions and minimising your risk. Our focus is on helping you find high reward to risk ratio trades, using a three-step process we’ll teach you through the Active Trader Program

Who is David Bowden?

David Bowden is the founder of Safety in the Market and is the author of our key training courses. A trader, business owner and car enthusiast, David began his career as a trader and market analyst in 1985, after being inspired by the stories of world-famous trader W.D Gann who is reported to have taken $50 million out of the market in the early part of last century. By the time he began conducting seminars in 1988, he had established an impressive track record. Indeed, colleagues and associates had witnessed his ability to nominate exact dates in advance of the market turning points – an ability that seemed to defy logic, a consistency that could not be due to chance.

With a growing following of eager traders, keen to learn the techniques that had brought David his trading success, Safety in the Market was born in 1989.

Some of his most notable market calls include:

  • Calling the 1987 Crash;
  • Forecasting the 1989 top, one year in advance and publishing this forecast AND the price in the Gann Elliott Magazine in the United States;
  • Calling the 1991 Gulf War Low to the minute!

David retired from teaching in 2000 due to Parkinson’s Disease, however, his legacy continues through the team at Safety in the Market. With a client base that spans the globe, we continue with David’s mission to share his lessons and trading techniques with others that are willing to learn so they too can be successful, yet truly safe, in the markets.