What does it all mean? That’s a very good question… to which the answer is:
“You really can earn a living from trading”
However, you must realise that it will require some work and will take time. In addition, you will need some available money to trade with.
Assuming that you can put all of this together, trading can offer a great lifestyle. No boss, no employees, no customers, no suppliers. Basically no one to answer to except yourself. You can spend as much time or as little time as you’d like trading each day. It all depends on the trading plan you put together for yourself.
However, regardless of the plan that you put together, remember to make sure that it addresses all of the steps that we’ve talked about.
Step 1 – Never Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket
Step 2 – Cut the Losers with Stops
Step 3 – Always Know your Destination
Step 4 – Never Let a Profit Turn into a Loss
Step 5 – Turn the Odds in your Favour
Step 6 – Make Your Own Decisions
Step 7 – Play it By The Numbers
These steps plus a disciplined approach will help you work your way to success! With a little practice you can develop “Investment Know-How”.