
The Gann Fast Track program is designed to be a practical experience for you. It is our hope that you will be able to incorporate these simple techniques into your trading, and by combining them with your Price Forecasting skills, be able to find stronger, more profitable trading opportunities. The first component, the full-day webinar, will cover all of the theory on topics such as Ranges, Time by Degrees, Geometric Angles and the Square of 144. The second component, the full-day face to face seminar, will be much more practical as we put pen to actual paper, working on charts the “old-fashioned way” as David Bowden did.

This Case Study Booklet is designed to go hand in hand with the webinar portion of the program. Part A contains a series of exercises under the headings “Pause the Webinar”, which I referred to on the day. Part B covers the “Concept Applications”; these are explanations of certain techniques or software tools that won’t apply to everyone, so rather than taking up time explaining them on the day, I have included them here, with detailed instructions, in order to save time on the day. Finally, Part C is full of “Case Studies” dealing with Classic Gann Setups. You should work through these in your own time, recreating the charts and practicing your applications of the various techniques.

My experiences as both a student and educator have taught me that sitting through a full day, staring at your computer screen while someone talks to you is a draining experience! Sure, you can learn a lot, but you can also miss out on some key points because you are not actively doing any work. The “Pause the Webinar” portion of this program is something new that we haven’t tried before. I have put together a series of exercises to help you get the most out of certain parts of the webinar. While you can’t “pause” the live presentation as it happens, I would like to think that you would watch the lessons a second time, via the recordings. As you watch for the second time, you can pause the webinar when prompted to do so, and complete a short, targeted exercise to help you either jog your memory on old lessons, or further your knowledge of the current lesson.

I have included answers to the “Pause the Webinar” activities at the end of Part A. I can’t stop you from going straight to the answers, but if you want to actually get something out of these lessons, my advice is to attempt the lesson first for yourself. You learn by thinking and by doing. If you skip to the answers, you rob yourself of a potential growth experience.

Thank you for being a part of the Gann Fast Track program. It is wonderful to have you on board, and I am sure that you will get a lot out of it, whatever your current experience levels.