Our business was in real estate with a team of 12, so business and life got in the way of any meaningful commitment to study or progressing my trading. However, I always held on to the belief that it would be a long-term project and the future direction. As a friend says “when the student is willing, the teacher will come along” – how true. In 2017, after re-acquainting myself with SITM, the Smarter Starter Pack and Number One Trading Plan I made a commitment to trading, following the rules and especially the stop-loss rule. The result was immediate winning trades and minimising small losses, which provided consistent monthly profits.
We met Diana Abraham in Brisbane this February during a flying visit – which resulted in me undertaking the 2018 Ultimate Gann Course Coaching (UGCC). This has provided a massive leap forward in my trading knowledge and skills. Mat Barnes’ style of presentation, in-depth knowledge and enthusiasm is infectious. Plus lots of webinars to watch and help you focus upon key points, which all helps to build upon the various books, DVDs and other literature. The encouragement from the SITM team just keeps coming. Everything you could want and need in your early days of trading and then taking you to a higher degree of competency and profitability.
My trading focus is upon currencies (they are usually quite consistent) and Double Tops and Bottoms, which I love. My best trade so far in 2018 has been a Double Top trade on Persimmon (PSN) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), which I entered shortly after the June, 2018 top.
My future? Totally focussed upon trading and furthering my trading knowledge through SITM. My secret to trading success? Knowledge is power.