We have a saying at Safety in the Market, ‘once a student, always a student’, and nowhere does that apply more than with our Trading Tutors Support team.
As you work through your course material, we’re here to help. All of our Trading Tutors were once like you and started on their journey to learn to trade with Safety in the Market by studying the Active Trader Program. They all trade for themselves and for most, that’s their primary income, and supporting our students is their passion project.
When you become a student, you’ll quickly learn that you’ve joined a community. Our trainers are grateful for what they have learnt over the years from trainers before them and they love giving back to the community and sharing their knowledge so others can benefit. Please note that their role is to guide you from an educational point of view and to help you as you work through the courses. We are not advisors and cannot give you trading advice, just lots of encouragement and educational support as you work through your studies.
Trading Tutors Support is a free email-based service offered to all Safety in the Market students.
Over the years we’ve found this is the best way to help our students move forward with their studies. It means you can attach charts to your emails so your tutor can see what you’re looking at, and it gives you a permanent record of the conversation to refer back to.
Is it time you had a professional trader in your corner? Download our brochure and learn more about the Active Trader Program today.